Wenche Agerup

Chief People and Corporate Affairs Officer

In current role since November 2022

Previous experience
: Various roles in Telenor
ASA from 2015 to 2022, including EVP Corporate
Affairs and General Counsel and Head of Board
Governance and Support in Singapore. Prior to
joining Telenor, 16 years in Hydro ASA, including
plant manager in Årdal, Norway, project director
in Australia and EVP People and General Counsel
from 2010 to 2015.

Board positions:
Board member at Equinor ASA
from 2015 to 2020 and Oslo Stock Exchange from
2012 to 2015, currently a board member at Crayon

: Master’s degree in law from the
University of Oslo and an MBA from Babson
College, Boston.

Wenche Agerup

Wenche Agerup

Overview of primary insider and management shareholdings is available at Investors Relations - Wallenius Wilhelmsen.