Stink bug contamination rules introduced for used cargo
To reduce the risk of stink bug contamination, additional safeguards must be taken for used cargo on Oceania sailings.

To reduce the risk of loading cargo contaminated with stink bugs or any other unwanted pests, Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean will, with immediate effect, require pre-treatment of all used cargo loaded on vessels destined for Oceania. This policy will be in place all year round.
Used and field-tested cargo has extended exposure to high risk areas and has been identified as high-risk based on findings on our vessels.
Accordingly, used cargo from all countries destined for South Africa, Reunion, Australia, New Zealand, Noumea or Papeete must be pre-treated using heat treatment (preferred) or Sulfuryl Fluoride, according to rules and regulations from Australian and/or New Zealand authorities.
The pre-treatment should be completed as soon as possible and at the latest one week prior to loading. For loading areas not covered by Oceania pre-treatment requirements, treatment does not need to be performed by a government-approved treatment provider, but Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean will require copies of the treatment certificates to be submitted. For load areas covered by mandatory treatment requirements, all documentation must be in accordance with those set by authorities in Australia or New Zealand respectively.
In addition to the above and according to the New Zealand Import and Health Standards (IHS), shippers/importers must provide a cleaning certificate for all used cargo bound for New Zealand and loaded on or after 1 December 2018. The certificate must state that the used cargo has been thoroughly cleaned (externally and internally) and that the items were disassembled for cleaning.
Any cargo already received for loading will be treated at customer expense, or the customer may request cancellation of the booking and release of the cargo. Your account manager will contact you about these new rules and provide local contacts to assist with treatment.
The bio-security enforcement measures imposed by both Australia and New Zealand have resulted in severe service disruptions which cannot be mitigated locally, so the consequences of any contamination event are extreme.
For further information regarding this advice, please check the MPI website or the DAWR website.