News Stay on top of the latest news and developments from our global network. 1 < 8 9 10 11 > Wallenius Wilhelmsen accelerates digitalisation processes through new investment Wallenius Wilhelmsen wins deal to transport Airbus parts from China to Canada A new platform to access a real-time view of your product flows at our equipment processing centres Normal services and operations in Fremantle Introducing our new location at the Port of Galveston Information regarding possible delays related to the Suez Canal blockage Keeping to our path to deliver unrivalled end-to-end services to our customers Wallenius Wilhelmsen returns three more vessels from cold lay-up Craig Jasienski: A reflection on 2020 Wallenius Wilhelmsen returns ships from lay-up A first-of-its-kind naming ceremony for HERO vessel MV Tannhauser Craig Jasienski joins World Shipping Council Board of Directors 1 < 8 9 10 11 > Get essential shipping and logistics insight straight to your inbox